Flight/Fight versus Rest/Digest?
The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is the pilot in charge of how our bodies fly. ANS manages the functions we do not consciously control or direct such as digestion and blood pressure. The ANS has two parts, the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) and the parasympathetic system (rest and digest). While these two systems frequently have opposing activity, they are meant to be in balance. In a healthy individual, the two systems take turns, depending on the need or the hour, being active in times of pressure (Sympathetic System) or in times of restoration (Parasympathetic System).
The secret to a healthful life is balance of both: the ability to run hard and go hard during the daytime hours while easing into rest and digest mode for repair and rejuvenation in the evening and nighttime hours.
How Does IDNutrition Compliment the ANS?
Through IDNutrition, you may already be familiar with Circadian Rhythms, Biorhythms and Chrononutrition. The IDNutrition dosing system is not only for ease of use, but to also give you nutrients that compliment your Circadian Rhythms while mirroring your ANS. This system will give you the energy and focus needed during today’s busy workdays with the ability to rest and digest at a healthy pace at night.
IDNutrition’s dosing system allows you to shift from the Sympathetic Nervous System to the Parasympathetic Nervous System, and vice versa, with ease. This will hopefully decrease the heavy dominance of one system over the other that leads to imbalance.
Certain nutrients given in the PM pack are deigned to ease us into the “rest and digest” Parasympathetic Phase by nourishing certain body functions that promote rest and regeneration such as Magnesium (which aids sleep, heart health and GI activity), Calcium (which aids the nervous system and bone growth), GABA (the neurotransmitter that increases growth hormone, reduces anxiety and aids sleep), Antioxidants (that aide liver function as well as heart and eye health), and Vitamin D3 (which supports the immune system recovery and helps bone regrowth). All of these nutrients are placed in your PM packets to give you that additional advantage of the right nutrient at the right time of day.
Best to Sleep on It
Today’s stressful environment does not allow a smooth transition between our Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Systems, and may require additional support for the rest and digest phase. Our sleep is usually either light or interrupted, affecting our energy the next day. Sleep is essential for brain functionality and overall health, but understanding how sleep delivers its beneficial effects remains largely unknown.
Studies of melatonin, one of the major ingredients in IDLife Sleep Strips, continue to evolve. These studies reflect how melatonin supports a restful sleep as well as other advantages of body repair and rejuvenation. Melatonin has long been hailed for its benefits on cellular function as well as its impressive impact on longevity in animal models.
The Take-Home
Even with a change of habit, and recognizing the value and necessity of maintaining this balance, it is not always achievable on a daily basis. IDNutrition is designed to complement both your “fight or flight” and “rest and digest” systems with critical nutrients that support those very systems on a timely basis. Additionally, combining IDNutrition with the Melatonin found in IDLife Sleep Strips supports more than just restful sleep. The convenient, quick-acting oral thin film strips compliment the nutrients included in your packets and the recent upgrades to the IDLife assessment make Sleep Strips available for order with your IDNutrition Personalized Program.